如何防止駭客入侵你的通訊軟體騙走你的金錢 How to prevent a cracker from hacking into your communication software to steal your money? 小編服務的歐漾淨水品牌公司在去年發生了德國客戶被駭客入侵,造成了對方金錢被騙損失以及我們雙方後續處理成本的事情; One of our German clients was hacked last year. It caused they lost a sum of money and the cost of both of us dealing with the follow-up. 哪知道今年九月底,又有一位香港客戶被駭了 65,000 多美元,讓我心裡頗為難受,心想是不是我們的防備工作不夠好, Surprisingly, at the end of September this year, one of our Hong Kong clients was also hacked and lost US$65,000. These things make me fed very depressed and wonder if our precautions were not good enough. 讓香港客戶蒙受損失?特地打電話到香港去關心 客戶,還好香港客戶相當理解,說明是他們自己本身的疏忽。 I specially called to our Hong Kong customer to express our concern and also thank them for their understanding. They even said it was their own carelessness. 所以我再將這篇文章稍作修改與補強,讓各位能夠將以防備。 Therefore, in order to let you can prevent it, I decided to revise this article and add some new things in it. 一)駭客的一貫做法是: Crackers do it all the time. 通常用釣魚信,傳 em...